Got questions?

Here are answers to a few common ones.

Are you open yet?


Yes! We gather for dinner, worship, and connection most Sunday evenings, and have several small groups that meet regularly. That said, we are still a baby church, so it looks a little different than walking into a church that has been around for a while (in a fun way, we think). If you would like to be kept up to date on what’s happening at Renovation, contact us, and we can get you in the loop!

Is Renovation LGBTQ+ affirming?


Renovation Covenant Church affirms that LGBTQ+ individuals are incredible human beings, fearfully and wonderfully made in the image of God, deeply loved by God and by us. Everyone is welcome to worship with us, to receive the love and care of the church as individuals and families, to partake in the sacraments.

We also affirm the Evangelical Covenant Church’s position that sex is meant to be reserved for marriage between one man and one woman, and that unmarried believers are called to the long tradition of faithful celibacy. ECC pastors cannot officiate same sex weddings, and ECC churches cannot host them. You can learn more about the ECC’s perspective and policies here.

People who love Jesus can come to different conclusions on this topic, and we are not questioning anyone’s love, faith, or commitment. We are simply striving to be transparent about this church’s policy, for the sake of those most deeply impacted by it.

Are you a bunch of right-wing/left-wing crusaders?


It’s a valid question. So many of us have been burned by the politicization of Christianity, by people on both sides of the aisle. It’s tragic, and completely contrary to the life of radical, self-giving love that Jesus calls us to. So no. While everyone is entitled to their opinion, we resist the politicization of the faith Jesus established 2,000 years ago, and the polarization of His church.

Here’s the thing. We live in a broken world full of broken people and broken systems. Systems of government are human beings’ attempts to make things better, with varying levels of success, in varying contexts. And we do want to make things better! But making things better is a tall order, full of complex and competing needs. Ultimately, we look forward to the day when Jesus returns, and God’s will is done on earth as it is in heaven. In the meantime, we are all muddling along the best we can, acknowledging that our primary allegiance is to the Kingdom of God, not any human political party or system of government.  

Does your ministry have something to do with community housing?


No, no it does not. Not directly, anyway. Which is lucky for our community, because while there are some among us who know how to swing a hammer, Pastor Jenny’s family has permanently banned her husband from any activity involving ladders, sawblades, and various sharp or pinchy objects.

Trust us, it’s for the best. The liability would be through the roof (and so would Aaron).

Renovation refers to the work God is doing in our hearts, minds, and lives. But hey, if you’re passionate about housing ministries, we can get you hooked up with some great ones!

Wait, you have a girl pastor? Is that allowed?


Absolutely not. Pastor Jenny is solidly middle-aged. And while we love having girls (and boys) share God’s word with us, they can’t get ordained until they’re adults.

Okay, for real. The Evangelical Covenant Church affirms women in every level of church leadership, and believes that empowering both women and men is not only biblical, but crucial to the mission God has called us to. We need the whole body of Christ bringing their whole selves to the table, offering it all up to serve God and others. For more information on women in ministry in the ECC, click here.

How can I give you money?


What a great question! We’re so glad you asked.

Right now, you can give to Renovation Covenant Church through the Northwest Conference of the Evanglical Covenant Church. Click here to give online. Choose “Renovation Covenant” from the drop-down menu, and indicate whether it is a one-time, weekly, or monthly gift. You can also write a check out to Northwest Conference, indicate that it is for Renovation, and mail it to Northwest Conference, 3106 47th Ave. S, Minneapolis, MN 55406.